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‘Call Of Duty: Warzone’ Week 2, ‘Hunting The Enemy’ Intel Mission: All Intel Locations

Verdansk is getting a little more interesting here in Season 4. Call of Duty: Warzone, adding an element of Fortnite-like object hunts with a side dose of the slowly-developing story that we’re getting in this battle royale mode. Intel Missions are here, asking players to track down hidden intel items across the map to piece together a little narrative. It can be a bit tricky, however, and you might need help. So let’s go into the Week 2 mission “Hunting the Enemy”, which starts off with a location given to you by Ghost and continues on to a particularly tricky bit at the airport. So let’s get at it: all locations for the “Hunting the Enemy” Intel Locations.

An important note: you can’t grab all of these in one go. You can only get one piece per game, so don’t try hoofing it all over the map to get as many as possible. Let’s get a map to start with, with each location marked.

Location #1: This one shouldn’t be too hard: Ghost gives you a picture of a location, which you might be able to recognize as a swimming pool. That’s what it is: head to the pool building marked on the map, then go up to the second floor catwalk sort of thing. There’s a gold coin up there that will complete the mission.

Location #2: We’re headed to the airport, which is a little tricky given how gigantic the airport area is. You’re going to go relatively far West, to the storage-container offices on the Northern side, by the runway. One of these containers, as marked on the map, will have intel on the table next to a computer.

Location #3: You’re headed to Bunker #3, on the far west of the map: you can identify it pretty easily by the sort of squiggly shape it takes. Head to the door marked with a 3 and then down the trapdoor, and then go to the left side of the bunker and get the intel from a computer.

Location #4: Oddly enough, this is the same location as #3. You’re going to need the spotter perk equipped, which you can do in Plunder. Head back to the same computer and get the intel again.

Location #5: We’re headed downtown, which can be tough because there’s so much going on there. Regardless, the building you’re headed for a building in the northwestern-ish area, marked on the map. There’s a white board on the ground floor that contains the intel.

Location #6: We’re headed to the train station for this one, which shouldn’t be that bad. Head right for the big, grand gate, and look for the arrivals and departures board. You interact with a little space just below the big board to get the intel.

Here’s a handy Youtube guide that goes into more detail if you’re stuck:

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