CoronaVirus News Trump wears mask in public for first time during COVID-19 pandemic (photos) US President, Donald Trump wore a mask during a visit to a military hospital on Saturday, July 11, the very first time the president has been seen in public with the facial covering recommended as a precaution against the novel […] Written by imesocial July 11, 2020July 11, 2020
Business How to News Small Business Overcoming Public Speaking Fear During Pandemic And New Normal Getty Public speaking is the number one business development strategy for professionals, consultants, and high-end service providers. But what if public speaking unleashes a flock of butterflies in your stomach? Overcoming the challenge of public speaking first involves managing the stress that comes with it. High levels of stress can affect your brain’s memory and […] Written by imesocial June 24, 2020June 24, 2020