
  1. IT
  2. Technology
Snorkel AI cofounders (L to R): Alex Ratner (CEO), Chris Ré (Board Member), Paroma Varma (Head of … [+] Solutions), Braden Hancock (Head of Technology), and Henry Ehrenberg (Head of Engineering) Snorkel AI In 2014, computer science PhD candidate Alex Ratner and a team of fellow Stanford PhDs, advised by associate professor and MacArthur Fellow […]
  1. IT
  2. Technology
As long as ERP-based automation is confined to the automation of processes embedded in ERP applications, the ERP world will lag behind next generation digital transformation. Toy forklift hold wood letter block P to complete word ERP (Abbreviation of Enterprise Resource … [+] Planning) on white background Getty Pre-Covid-19 Digital Transformation  Not so many years […]